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Riverside Schools and Demographics


Elementary Schools near Riverside, CA

Grades Students P/T Ratio ZIP
Adams Elementary School PK - 06 511 23 92504
Alcott Elementary School PK - 06 700 0 92506
Allan Orrenmaa Elementary School PK - 05 580 23 92503
Arlanza Elementary School PK - 05 500 22 92503
Benjamin Franklin Elementary KG - 06 810 26 92508
Bryant Elementary School KG - 06 350 0 92501
Castle View Elementary School KG - 06 600 30 92506
Collett Elementary School PK - 05 580 19 92505
Corona Ranch Elementary School PK - 06 860 27 92879
Educational Options Center State Preschool PK - PK 48 0 92506
Emerson Elementary School PK - 06 600 20 92507
Foothill Elementary School KG - 05 510 14 92503
Fremont Elementary School PK - 06 550 10 92501
Garretson Elementary School PK - 06 1,100 0 92879
Glen Avon Elementary School KG - 06 560 22 92509
Harrison Elementary School PK - 06 510 20 92503
Hawthorne Elementary School PK - 06 600 0 92504
Highgrove Elementary School PK - 06 746 0 92507
Highland Elementary School PK - 06 726 0 92507
Indian Hills Elementary School PK - 06 531 21 92509
Jackson Elementary School PK - 06 686 28 92503
Jefferson Elementary School PK - 06 1,000 22 92504
John F. Kennedy Elementary School KG - 06 900 21 92508
John Stallings Elementary School KG - 06 500 22 92881
Jurupa Unified School District Pre-k School Readiness Center PK - PK 490 0 92509
La Granada Elementary School KG - 05 600 23 92505
Lake Hills Elementary School PK - 05 625 22 92503
Lake Mathews Elementary School KG - 06 800 27 92503
Liberty Elementary School PK - 06 588 0 92503
Longfellow Elementary School PK - 06 750 22 92507
Madison Elementary School PK - 06 640 0 92504
Magnolia Elementary School PK - 06 600 24 92506
Mark Twain Elementary School PK - 06 1,030 25 92508
Mission Bell Elementary School KG - 06 387 16 92509
Monroe Elementary School PK - 06 620 21 92504
Mountain View Elementary School PK - 06 820 20 92504
Myra Linn Elementary School PK - 05 500 0 92505
Orange Elementary School KG - 06 600 26 92881
Pachappa Elementary School PK - 06 670 19 92506
Pacific Avenue Elementary School PK - 06 400 20 92509
Parkridge Elementary School KG - 06 850 10 92879
Patricia Beatty Elementary School PK - 06 510 17 92501
Pedley Elementary School PK - 06 650 21 92509
Phillip M. Stokoe Elementary School PK - 05 675 22 92505
Preschool Grasp PK - PK 80 0 92501
Promenade Elementary School PK - 05 600 0 92879
Rosemary Kennedy Elementary School KG - 05 444 19 92505
S. Christa Mcauliffe Elementary School PK - 05 700 24 92505
Stone Avenue Elementary School KG - 06 600 20 92509
Sunnyslope Elementary School PK - 06 886 0 92509
Susan B. Anthony Elementary School KG - 06 825 27 92881
Terrace Elementary School PK - 05 700 0 92503
Tomas Rivera Elementary PK - 06 710 0 92508
Twinhill Elementary School PK - 05 460 26 92505
Valley View Elementary School PK - 05 650 0 92505
Van Buren Elementary School PK - 06 520 26 92509
Victoria Elementary School PK - 06 500 0 92506
Washington Elementary School PK - 06 800 25 92506
William Howard Taft Elementary PK - 06 600 0 92506
William Mckinley Elementary School PK - 06 620 12 92879
Woodcrest Elementary School KG - 06 650 0 92504

Middle Schools near Riverside, CA

Grades Students P/T Ratio ZIP
Amelia Earhart Middle School 07 - 08 960 24 92508
Arizona Middle School 06 - 08 978 0 92503
Central Middle School 07 - 08 677 14 92506
Chemawa Middle School 07 - 08 800 18 92503
El Cerrito Middle School 06 - 08 1,006 26 92881
Frank Augustus Miller Middle School 07 - 08 1,033 0 92504
Jurupa Middle School 07 - 08 1,300 27 92509
Loma Vista Middle School 06 - 08 990 24 92505
Mathew Gage Middle School 07 - 08 1,000 22 92506
Mira Loma Middle School 07 - 08 728 21 92509
Sierra Middle School 07 - 08 840 19 92504
University Heights Middle School 07 - 08 812 0 92507
Wells Middle School 06 - 08 776 20 92503
Ysmael Villegas Middle School 06 - 08 1,300 22 92503

High Schools near Riverside, CA

Grades Students P/T Ratio ZIP
Arlington High School 09 - 12 2,055 24 92503
Centennial High School 09 - 12 3,314 28 92881
Excelsior Charter School - Corona-norco 07 - 12 122 0 92879
John W. North High School 09 - 12 2,294 21 92507
La Sierra High School 09 - 12 1,473 13 92505
Martin Luther King High School 09 - 12 3,346 27 92508
Norte Vista High School 09 - 12 2,000 0 92503
Polytechnic High School 09 - 12 2,649 32 92506
Ramona High School 09 - 12 2,262 0 92504
Rubidoux High School 09 - 12 1,420 0 92509
Santiago High School 09 - 12 3,640 20 92881
Sherman Indian High School 09 - 12 425 0 92503

Ungraded Schools near Riverside, CA

Grades Students P/T Ratio ZIP
* Alvord Alternative Education Center 09 - 12 1,626 0 92503
Abraham Lincoln Continuation High School 10 - 12 179 16 92507
Alvord Adult Education UG - UG 300 0 92879
Alvord Alternative Continuation High 10 - 12 160 0 92505
Alvord Continuation High School 09 - 12 213 18 92503
California School For The Deaf-riverside PK - UG 350 0 92506
Come Back Kids UG - UG 522 20 92501
Educational Options Center 07 - 12 104 0 92506
Gateway PK - 12 4 0 92505
Gateway College And Career Academy 09 - 12 130 0 92506
Home Gardens Academy PK - 08 850 19 92879
Lee V. Pollard High School 09 - 12 600 16 92879
Raincross High (continuation) School 09 - 12 192 19 92506
Reach Leadership Academy PK - 06 630 0 92507
Riverside Adult UG - UG 2,000 0 92506
Riverside County Community School 01 - 12 295 19 92501
Riverside County Special Education School KG - 12 615 6 92501
Riverside County Youthbuild 10 - 13 0 0 92501
Riverside Stem Academy 05 - 12 664 24 92507
Riverside Virtual 01 - 12 100 0 92506
Summit Elementary KG - 05 3 0 92505
Summit Secondary 06 - 12 3 0 92505
Sunshine Early Childhood Center PK - PK 175 7 92503

Demographics near Riverside, CA

City County
Population 324,101 2,509,689
Population Density 3,992 348
Median Age 33.8 36.3
People per Household 3.2 3.2
Median Household Income 71,599 70,543
Average Income per Capita 27,391 29,227

Riverside Homes For Sale & Area Information

Riverside, California, is the county seat of Riverside County.  It is the 12th most populous city in the state of California and the 59th most populous city in the United States.  It encompasses an area of 81 square miles and has a population of about 303,000.  It is located in Southern California and considered part of the Los Angeles metropolitan area.  The Pacific Ocean lies 36 miles away. The City of Riverside traces its beginnings back to the early 1870s.  The California citrus industry was born here, and it is also the location of the Mission Inn - the largest Mission Revival Style structure in the country.

Riverside Homes For Sale & Real Estate

The City of Riverside helps residents by offering down payment assistance.  Homebuyers who have not owned property in the last three years and meet certain income requirements may be eligible.  In addition, the Fair Housing Council of Riverside County offers free Home Education Seminars every month for first-time homebuyers.  These events are geared towards helping new homebuyers understand the process of buying a home. Riverside also works to allow low and moderate income households access to affordable housing.  The city actively pursues acquiring vacant and foreclosed single-family homes, refurbishes them, and sells them to first-time homebuyers who qualify.

Riverside Neighborhoods

There are 28 distinct neighborhoods withing the City of Riverside.  These neighborhoods include:
  • Airport
  • Alessandro Heights
  • Arlanza
  • Arlington
  • Arlington Heights
  • Arlington South
  • Canyon Crest
  • Casa Blanca
  • Downtown
  • Eastside
  • Grand
  • Hawarden Hills
  • Hillside Hunter Industrial Park
  • La Sierra
  • La Sierra Acres
  • La Sierra Hills
  • La Sierra South
  • Magnolia Center
  • Mission Grove
  • Northside
  • Orangecrest
  • Presidential Park
  • Ramona
  • Sycamore Canyon Park
  • Sycamore Canyon Springs
  • University
  • Victoria
  • Wood Streets
The city is in the process of several annexations of unincorporated areas nearby.  Over the next few years these annexations will increase the population and land area.  The largest of these areas is Lake Hills/Victoria Grove.

Riverside Attractions

Riverside is home to an extensive array of museums and cultural attractions.  The city is the regional center of the Inland Empire for entertainment, arts and culture.  In addition, the city is home to the University of California, Riverside and La Sierra University which both provide many cultural opportunities to the city.  Some of Riverside's cultural attractions include: In addition to the abundant cultural attractions, Riverside also hosts many festivals and events throughout the year, including: 

Riverside Employment Opportunities

There are many employment opportunities in Riverside.  The top ten employers in the city are:

Riverside Transportation

Riverside is accessed by three major highways - I-215, State Route 60 and State Route 91.  These three roads meet on the northeast side of the city.  The area near this interchange has developed a reputation as being one of the worst in the nation, and the city is known for its congestion and heavy traffic. Traveling by train is an option to commuters in Riverside.  The city has two Metrolink rail stations, Riverside-La Sierra and Riverside-Downtown.  The Inland Empire-Orange County and 91 Lines run through both stations.  Downtown is also served on weekdays by the Riverside Line, while on the weekends the San Bernardino Line runs through the station.  Amtrak is also present in Riverside - the Southwest Chief line runs through the city on its way from Los Angeles to Chicago. The Riverside Transit Agency provides local bus service to the community.  Greyhound provides bus service to other cities in the US and Mexico. Riverside is home to the Riverside Municipal Airport.  The nearest major airport is LA/Ontario International Airport, about 20 miles northwest of the city in Ontario, California.

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